Clockwork Two Fanfiction

It had been two weeks since Clockwork, formerly Natalie Oulette, had burned down her house along with the carcasses of her family. She had tied up all the loose ends, or so she thought. But as it happened, there was one end that remained untied, and Clockwork had absolutely no idea what lay beyond her. She pulled her brown hair behind her ear as she began to sing about death. The city beyond her was vast and open, and she was earnestly awaiting the sight of her next victim. "Why wait," she asked herself with a laugh, "Why not just seek out my prey before time. runs. out."
With this Clockwork jumped off the fence she'd been sitting on and headed into the city. Once there at her favorite coffee shop, she rested her gaze upon the obvious choice, a hot guy in a white hoodie with the hood up standing across the room. Clockwork quickly began to follow him silently, and the guy didn't seem to notice as she followed him down the street, ducking behind street lamps and fences. Clockwork took out her knife and cut a small slit in her arm. "Just for good luck," she whispered earnestly. She followed the hot guy until he walked into a little house off the side of the street. Clockwork giggled, she could so easily creep in and pluck out his eyeballs one by one... yes that sounded nice.
Clockwork jumped up on her feet and ran toward the house, but before she could reach it a hand grabbed her by the hood and slammed her against the door. "You honestly think I didn't know you were following me?" The hot guy from before had pinned Clockwork against the door, trapping her. But Clockwork wouldn't give up so easily. She rose up her knife and attempted to cut the guy's face, but before she could stab him she recognized him. His carved smile and wide eyes were unmistakable. "Your Jeff the Killer!" Clockwork got a fangirl-ish look to her eyes and she laughed.
Jeff nodded, and suddenly, without any warning, Jeff began to make out with Clockwork. Clockwork was astounded, and thrilled. She hadn't felt so alive since she was with Chris, her ex boyfriend. But suddenly, when Clockwork couldn't have felt more happy, Jeff suddenly went still. It seemed his entire body went limp. A voice sounded from somewhere behind Jeff, "Y-you forgot a-all about m-me Natalie," Natalie knew that voice anywhere. "Mister Cuddles!" Clockwork jumped away from Jeff's limp body and saw her old stuffed giraffe sitting there, holding a very bloody knife, "I s-saved you from the m-mean man..." Mr Cuddles eyed Clockwork with big, innocent eyes, "I am g-going to b-be with you forever, N-natalie."
At this odd occurance, Natalie scolded her giraffe, "What the HELL! He was my true love!" The giraffe gave her a long look, "You knew h-him for fifteen a-and a half minutes," Clockwork looked offended, "Well at least I'm not a stuffed toy!" The giraffe laughed, "Come w-with me, we c-can be t-together forever and... e-ever." Clockwork rolled her eyes "Hell no, I ain't going nowhere with you, nutcase." At that moment Mr. Cuddles got real. He grabbed the knife and stabbed Clockwork fifteen times in the chest before she could even gasp. "H-how could you do that? You're a stuffed toy!" Mr Cuddles simply laughed. "Well h-how did you murder everybody you knew w-without a hitch?" Clockwork thought that over in hear head a moment, "um the wonder drugs..?" Mr. Cuddles only laughed, and with that he sliced Clockwork open, letting all her digusting guts fly everywhere and on everything.
"Well now that that's over," Mr. Cuddles walked down the street, tying a bow tie onto his neck and dicarding the bloody knife. He got in the passenger seat of a car that was waiting, and he looked over at the driver. "Hey babe, you ready for our hot date?" The woman there nodded, and Mr. Cuddles went off, seeking more unreasonably overpowered victims.